Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Song for You Far Away

Life is full of loss ... and that loss comes in many forms. We lose loved ones to death and commit them to memory, cherishing the time we shared.

Just as powerful is the disappearance or dissolution of a deep and abiding friendship; that can be as profoundly moving as any death, the remaining void just as empty. Even though we wish them the very best on their own life journey, their absence from our days is as sincerely and intensely felt as any wound.

Though we all mourn, how we deal with loss is important. Do we agonize and become paralyzed? Or do we learn, grow, and move on? Each of us deals differently.

I had never heard this James Taylor song before ... but it just kind of appeared out of nowhere today and fell perfectly into place and I'm glad it did ... fits with a few things that are on my mind tonight. This is for you my friend ...