Hello, everyone. I apologize for the delay in updating this blog. "Real life" has a funny way of distracting us, doesn't it? For me, school is part of that reality, and with all of the time I have been devoting to my studies -- not to mention all of the beaurocratic and administrative bullsh-- um, nightmares that go along with returning to college at my age -- I have let "A Mindful Journey" slip to the wayside. Fret not, though, I have been working on articles (in a mostly piecemeal fashion, I admit) and will be posting again very soon. I continue to look forward to everyone's feedback. ... And if there are any blogs that you recommend, please let me know.
Have a great Memorial Day. Between the burgers, hot dogs, swimming, and family fun, please take a moment to remember those who have fallen in the service of their country -- and those who are still serving today -- to ensure that our freedoms and the dreams of our forefathers were are not lost to the backwaters of history.